Validation Workshop on the Impacts of inter-clan Conflict study on the Livelihoods of Orphaned Children and Youth in the El-afweyn and Erigavo Districts of Sanaag Region
NAGAAD Network, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and The African Women’s Development and Communication Network, concluded a training on climate justice for the WRO network and AACJ members in Hargeisa.
Embassy of Sweden, Head of Development Co-operation,Petra Smitmanis Dry and Halima Ali Adan, Programme Manager,visited Nagaad’s headquarter Hargeisa.They both met with Nagaad Network team to discuss the general situation of women and the development projects.They also met with women politicians who ran for the last elections.Sweden reassured for a continues support for women in advancing…
Local and international NGOs have raised funds for the people who have lost their livelihood in the fire the broke out in the Waheen Market earlier this month. The funds were handed over to the Market Support Committee this morning. The first tranche of half a million was received by the Minister of Religion Sheikh…
The training aimed to train young social workers on violence against women and the challenges women face in emergency crisis such as the fires that broke in the Waaheen market. It provided ways on how to respond to emergencies, provide healing and physiological counseling. As well as protecting themselves from mental and physical harm.
Date: 27.04.2022 Subject: Congratulations On behalf of the Women’s Network NAGAAD and all Somaliland women, we congratulate Kaltun Sheikh Hassan Abdi for the new appointment of the chairperson of the National Electoral Commission and we likewise extend our congratulations to anyone who may have the same feeling. Kaltun, has an extensive experience in…
At the meeting, we’ve discussed several issues with a focus The recent fire in Waheen Market which as per the preliminary findings is estimated to be worth billions of dollars was destroyed after a fire tore through the main market. Waheen was one of East Africa’s largest commercial centers. It is estimated that the immediate…