Nagaad Network concluded a workshop for the clan leaders and elders in the Sahil region. The objective of the meeting was to encourage clan leaders to support women candidates for the local and parliament elections. After much discussion and debate later, the traditional leaders agreed that women have the right to compete for political seats…
Nafisa and a group of women from civil society organizations protesting October 14, 2020 against the rape and murder of Ugbaad Ali in Burao 11 Jan2021 NAFISA YUSUF MOHAMED: A DRIVING FORCE FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN SOMALILAND Hargeisa – Even before a visitor sits down in the office of Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed, they are fully…
Nafisa and a group of women from civil society organizations protesting October 14, 2020 against the rape and murder of Ugbaad Ali in Burao 11 Jan2021 NAFISA YUSUF MOHAMED: A DRIVING FORCE FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN SOMALILAND Hargeisa – Even before a visitor sits down in the office of Nafisa Yusuf Mohamed, they are fully…
NAGAAD with the support from UNSOM conducted two day consultation meeting with the traditional leaders in Burao. Elders produced a declaration to stop intervening GBV cases as they go to courts.
Tababarkaasi oo lagu lafogurayey sidii ay uga qayb gali lahaayeen deeqaha bani aadaminimo. Kulankaasi oo ay sharaxaad iyo la wadaagis waayo aragnimadooda ah ka bixiyeen ururada wadaniga ah ee iyagu fursada u helay inay ka qayb galaan ama helaan deeqahaa bani aadaminimo. Tababarkaasi waxa uu ahaa tababar ay ka soo qayb galayaashii aad ugu falanqeeyeen…
NAGAAD Network and Somali NGO consortium organized two days’ workshop, that local NGO’s discussed ways to participate Consertium and Humanitarian Response plan. Local NGO’s that is a member for Consortium share their experiences about Humanitarian Response Plan and then discussed ways that increase chances other local NGO’s of the country become member for consortium. Two…
Munaasibad loogu baroorqiidayo Dr. Aadan Yuusuf Abokor oo door weyn ku lahaa dib u dhiskii dalka iyo ka shaqaynta arrimaha bulshada ayaa xalay lagu qabtay Hotel Guuleed ee magaalada Hargeysa. Munaasibadan oo ay ka soo qayb galeen dad ka kala socday heerarka kala duwan ee bulshada iyo masuuliyiin xukuumadda Somaliland ka tirsan ayaa waxa ay…
Event commemoration and mourning one of the pillars civil society support Dr. Aden Yusuf Abokor held last night in Haregeisa. Event organized Civil Society organizations especially NAGAAD and SONYO that mourning Dr. Aadan Yusuf Abokor participated people from different sectors of the community and talk speeches about personality, history and his efforts for building country….