Ku socota: Golaha Wakiiladda Jamhuuriyadda Soomaalilaan Haddii aanu nahay haweenka Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliiland waxa aannu si weyn u salluugsannahay falka lagu takooray in Xildhibaan Aamina Cilmi Fariid ay noqoto Guddoonka arrimaha bulshada ee Golaha Wakiiladda, iyada oo ah gabadha kali ah ee metesha guud ahaan haweenka reer Soomaalilaan, marka laga tago deegaanka ay ka soo jeedo….
80 of the women entrepreneurs, small businesses in the Waheen market in Hargeisa city have completed 6 months of the Somali language curriculum, this project was supported by NAGAAD in cooperation with the OXFAM organization which paid the salaries of the teachers. This plan was part of Hibo and Haween mother education program created by…
Nagaad network in collaboration with SIHA network conducted two- days training of physical and digital training to frontline Women Human Right Defenders (WHRDs) of different background including journalist, lawyers, women activist, health workers, and social workers who mainly work with women and children and other most marginalized communities.
Nagaad Network concluded a football Competition that was held for the IDP six communities, Ayax 4, Ayax 3, Malawale, Digaale, Daami and Stadium that we work with. VYA and OA girls and boys, design, plan and implement community engagement activities – i.e., dramas, media, art or sports events, debates, publications, etc, in this competition, the…
Nagaad Network, in partnership with Oxfam, organized a national conference on women’s inclusion in humanitarian leadership. The conference was attended by various stakeholders, including UN agencies, INGOs, NGOs, civil society, government officials, and women from IDP communities.