Nagaad Women’s Network held a congratulatory event for the newly sworn Parliament, her excellency M.P Amina Cilmi Fariid. Somaliland Women leaders participated in the event including the Ministry of Environment and climate change, Director Generals, Women’s from the three political parties, Mrs. Roda Ogaal Chair Person, women from newly political Associations, Members from UN, LNGOs,…
Dalladda NAGAAD ayaa qabatay munaasibad lagu xusayey maalinta haweenka aduunka ee 8da marach. Munaasibadan ayaa intii ay socotay diradda lagu saaray xaaladda guud ee haweenka Soomaaliland, iyada oo lagu qabtay Dooda Filaaqaynta,’DIGITALL: Hal-Abuurnimo Iyo Teknoloji Loogu Talagalay Sinnaanta Jinsiga’. Sida oo kale waxaa halkaa lagu daawadayFilimo ka hadlaaya. Women’s Situation Room Somaliland Xarunta la socodka…
NAGAAD Networrk has conducted a very colourful event commemorated on International Women’s Day 8th March 2023, this commemoration was focused the general situation of women in Somaliland particularly women’s in technology. Also, Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality’ similarly, a video films was watched there talked about the situation women in Somaliland. The Centre for…
Hamda Abdi (Visually impaired) and Hibo Mohemed were nominated for the NAGAAD Network’s Women’s Support Community Appreciation Award because they both make extra efforts to support their community. The activism of both Hamda Mohamed and Hamda Abdi promote women. Hamda Mohamed encourages women to labor in the market in order to obtain a basic education,…
Hargeysa (NAGAAD) – Daladda Ururrada Haweenka ee NAGAAD, ayaa Magaalada Hargeysa ku qabatay Kulan lagu gor-feeyay Tacadiyada ka dhanka ah Haweenka. Kulankan oo qayb ka ah 16-ka Maalmood ee loo qorsheeyay ka hadalka Tacadiyadaha loo geysto Haweenka iyo sidii loo tashan lahaa dhibaatooyinkaa sidii looga gudbi lahaa, ayaa waxa ka qayb-galay Maamulka sare ee Daladda…
Communiqué for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence By Women’s Rights Organizations, Women Rights Activists and NAGAAD Network On the 7th of December, NAGAAD Network hosted a conference…
NAGAAD Network oo kaashanaysa SIHA ayaa soo gebagebeysay tabobar ku saabsan, ka caawinta kobcinta awooda dhinacyada u doodista iyo u ololaynta kooxda WRO ee Somaliland.